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It all starts here. We’re honoured to attract some of the brightest minds in the coffee industry, and we’re committed to supporting and developing their journey with us; without our employees, we simply wouldn’t grow.

From mental health support, to in-house training, and financial stability, we’re continuously assessing and adding benefits that support our teams across the entire business. From the pandemic, through to a cost of living crisis, these last few years have been anything but easy. We have a duty to not only provide an engaging, inspiring, and enjoyable place to work, but also an environment that is inclusive, supportive, and rewarding, in and out of the workplace.

Origin have always been very supportive of families, whether that be in the form of parental leave, or the more recent amendments to enhanced maternity and paternity pay, and the introduction of the IVF journey policy. They have made the very common place occurrence of childcare issues feel like a non-issue and have always highlighted the importance of family life being as much as a focus for them as for you. Coming back from maternity leave, I was given the opportunity to develop my role to something that would suit both me, my family, and the needs of the business, and additional training was offered to facilitate the next stage of my career.

– Sally Wren, Origin Coffee