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Das Almas

The Coffee Experiment

The Experiment

Das Almas is a farm close to our hearts, with a relationship that spans 14 years. Producers Adriano and Mateus have been committed to producing exceptional coffee whilst exploring innovative processing methods from the very beginning.

Such developments have naturally sparked conversation between Origin's Head Roaster, Amadeusz Wanat, and the producer duo, exploring the impact of fermentation on coffee flavour, highlighting how extended fermentation alters the taste.

What is Fermentation in Coffee?

Coffee fermentation takes place during processing .......

The interest in funky, fermented coffees has grown significantly, with process affecting the natural features of a given lot.

The Das Almas Trio

This limited-edition trio celebrates some of the best innovative and experimental processing methods on how fermentation impacts coffee flavour.

The Trio showcases the same Das Almas coffee which each each undergo varying levels of fermentation. Whether you enjoy clean and fruity, or sweet and full-bodied, this trio will help deepen your understanding of how process impacts flavour in extraordinary ways.

Since 2004, Origin remains committed to a pursuit of coffee excellence bound by one central ethos--to source, support, and champion farmers and producers though a sustainable, triple bottom line approach.

Behind the Counter: Freda Yuan

First memories, expectations, and highlights of the London Coffee Festival.