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Trade prices for coffee have a history of volatility and, traditionally, this has meant that producers have had to sell their crops at prices that don’t cover the full cost of production.

We stand against this, committed to paying fairly, and providing consistent support, a mutually agreed contract with benefit to both. This is why we work Direct Trade wherever possible. Our Direct Trade principle is built around three key points: paying fairly, providing a contract as a means of trust and security for the producer, and, building, valuing, and respecting the relationship we develop with them. 

Working Direct Trade means travelling to the source. It’s important to visit the countries we source from, to sample the coffee, meet the people, witness the terroir, audit the farms, provide support and opportunities for learning and growth, and always pay fairly. For us, this is non-negotiable. 

Origin have supported producers for more than 12 years. Without Origin many wouldn’t have the means to produce speciality coffee as it’s not easy, and more expensive, so we must to find partners that recognise our effort and support us by paying fair prices.

Origin provides opportunities for producers, to improve quality, to invest in new processes, new equipment, and better environmental practices. Origin has also recognised the woman´s position on farms, paying better to workers, providing a better quality life to producers, enabling speciality coffee and motivating the next generation also to continue.

Origin is very important for us, and I am proud about what we have built together, helping many families, farmers, and producers.

– Maria Dirceia Mendes, SMC Coffee