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Published, Aug 30, 2019

Meet the Team: Claire - Assistant General Manager, British Library

Meet Claire. One of our talented baristas behind the bar at our British Library shops in Euston, London. 

We recently caught up with her over a brew and chatted through all things day-to-day at the shop, her journey into coffee and what she gets up to away from the brew bar.

So Claire, how did you get into coffee?
I am originally trained as a zookeeper, would you believe! It’s a great industry but I  was unable to secure a job, so I decided to pack my bag and travel to Australia for two years. This is where my coffee journey begins. Up until I was 22, I disliked coffee. Speciality coffee (as I’ve come to know it) was non-existent (in my native France) at the time.

I started in a coffee shop to fund my travels and completely fell into it. Watching the Espresso marry with the milk so smoothly. That was me done. I then found my way into the London speciality scene and have been learning about it ever since. 

What is your favourite coffee brewing method at home?
You can't beat the French press - it never fails.

And what are you currently brewing?
Barokah - Anaerobic Natural. Explosions of flavours, syrupy, velvety and smooth. Absolutely amazing as a filter coffee. It makes you stop, look down at your cup and go: …wow.

My second all-time favourite would be Tuberosa Decaf. Amazing coffee, that just happens to be decaffeinated! 

How would you describe Origin's locations at The British Library to someone who’s never been?
Quirky and charming. You can grab a coffee on your way to work or sit at our window bar and watch the world go by. 
Can you remember the first coffee experience that excited you?
Oh... I would say, going through my first speciality training session with Union and we dialled in different espressos. The complexity of flavour in those little cups, and then experiencing how they changed once milk was introduced, was just magic. 
When you’re not brewing coffee, what do you like to do in your free time?
Go to coffee shops, enjoy a good book, long walks and most importantly, be with my loved ones. 

You can read more about the British Library here.

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